Whips & Buggies
Chust stuff I'm interested in, plus occasional dispatches, gruntles, and assorted verbal road apples from the PA Tri-Town Area: Leola, Leacock, and Bareville
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
15,000 Civilians Killed In Iraq
Since 2014.
Ah, well, I guess "the price is worth it." --Madeline Albright, former Sec Of State
PS - Isn't the UN, like, FOREIGNERS?
The 'City' Pays -
That means, the TAXPAYERS pay.
Not the police; not their union; not their pensions. They rarely pay.
Eric Garner Family Settles For $5.9 Million
By the way, the NYPD is not an intelligence agency... (Or IS it?)
CIA Has To Remind Itself NYPD Is Not Intelligence Agency
Labels: orwell, police, spying, surveillance
Monday, July 13, 2015
Snowden's Latest
But isn't the NSA just looking for criminals?
In A Word, No
Labels: big brother, spying, surveillance
Walker assures the GOP
"I'm as horrible as Trump!"
"To those who thought Donald Trump was the only sociopath in the race, let me say this: not anymore."
Echoing Dick Nixon's famous slogan fom 1968, 'Nobody can lick our Dick'
Andy Borowitz: Scott Walker
Because, gee, no politician
...has ever LIED before, correct me if I'm wrong.
She'll just bite all those hands that feed her ;-)
Stiglitz Gives Clinton Thumbs Up on The Economy
Gore Vidal once said
...when asked in an interview about what it would take to get the somnambulant Americans to finally pay attention to what's important, "Oh, about 60% unemployment might do it."
Are we there yet?
The Greekification Of America
Labels: austerity, chris hedges
I was worried the Great Beast had spoken!
At least cooler heads prevailed.
Denton Texas Reverses Fracking Ban
Grexit, Again
"Westerners, not just the rest of the world, need to understand who they are ruled by, and that no one is immune to their cruelty."
Ian Welsh On Greece
I Love Big Brother!
Smart Cities Will Know All About You
Well, I've got nothing to hide! They'll only be looking for criminals!
And the population, face-down in their gadgets, are mostly just fine with this.
Labels: big brother, orwell, spying, surveillance