Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Privatization Always Works Wonders!

Hillary And Private Schools

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Cash First!

Just as Jesus prescribed.

EMT's Leave Teen With Aneurysm


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

If this is true ...

Hallelujah! I just found religion!

Women Who Shave 'Down There' Are Against God!

15,000 Civilians Killed In Iraq

Since 2014.


Ah, well, I guess "the price is worth it." --Madeline Albright, former Sec Of State

PS - Isn't the UN, like, FOREIGNERS?

The 'City' Pays -

That means, the TAXPAYERS pay.
Not the police; not their union; not their pensions. They rarely pay.

Eric Garner Family Settles For $5.9 Million

By the way, the NYPD is not an intelligence agency... (Or IS it?)

CIA Has To Remind Itself NYPD Is Not Intelligence Agency

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Snowden's Latest

But isn't the NSA just looking for criminals?

In A Word, No

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Walker assures the GOP

"I'm as horrible as Trump!"

"To those who thought Donald Trump was the only sociopath in the race, let me say this: not anymore."

Echoing Dick Nixon's famous slogan fom 1968, 'Nobody can lick our Dick'

Andy Borowitz: Scott Walker

Public/Private Partnerships For The Win!

Because, well, private is ALWAYS better and, SPORTS!

John Oliver



Matt Taibbi From 2 Years Back

But, unfortunately, still relevant:

Ratings Agencies?

Because, gee, no politician

...has ever LIED before, correct me if I'm wrong.

She'll just bite all those hands that feed her ;-)

Stiglitz Gives Clinton Thumbs Up on The Economy

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Gore Vidal once said

...when asked in an interview about what it would take to get the somnambulant Americans to finally pay attention to what's important, "Oh, about 60% unemployment might do it."

Are we there yet?

The Greekification Of America

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I was worried the Great Beast had spoken!
At least cooler heads prevailed.

Denton Texas Reverses Fracking Ban


Populations Have Dropped 70%

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Grexit, Again

"Westerners, not just the rest of the world, need to understand who they are ruled by, and that no one is immune to their cruelty."

 Ian Welsh On Greece

I Love Big Brother!

Smart Cities Will Know All About You

Well, I've got nothing to hide! They'll only be looking for criminals!

And the population, face-down in their gadgets, are mostly just fine with this.

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Greece Brought A Latte To A Gunfight

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Brian McFadden

The Strip


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