Whips & Buggies
Chust stuff I'm interested in, plus occasional dispatches, gruntles, and assorted verbal road apples from the PA Tri-Town Area: Leola, Leacock, and Bareville
Saturday, July 11, 2015
BP Oil Spill
And most people will be just fine with this, if they notice it at all, because 'job creators'!
Tax Breaks (ie, We Pay) For Spill
Friday, July 10, 2015
Correct me if I'm wrong ...
But doesn't 'abroad' imply FOREIGN?
We don't need no steenking foreigners -- this is America!
We're No. 1!
US men aren’t interested in ‘life-changing’ rhetoric of studying abroad
Officers obviously feared for their safety!
They can hardly be expected to subdue a 17-year-old girl!
Better to kill her.
Girl Shot Asking For Help
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Chris Hedges
Interesting: about revolution and tactics.
The IWW gets a shout-out at the end :-)
Transcript link included.
Real News Network Interview
Coming soon to a city near you
Because you've got nothing to hide.
The police can search your house anytime.
They're only looking for criminals.
Fresno Police
Labels: big brother, fbi, nsa, orwell, police, spying, surveillance
Save The PO?
Yeah, write to your Congressman ;-)
The people around here think it would be just great to turn the Post Office's duties over to FedEx.
Of couse, then they'd complain about the limited service and the expense, but they'd do as they did with Hurricane Katrina: they'd blame Obama.
Our PO (it IS in the Constitution, doncha know)
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Hey, bashing Mexicans along with Jeb's wife and being a colossal hypocrite must work!
America Loves The Donald!
Labels: election, primary, republicans, Trump
150 Years Ago
"The present age prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, fancy to reality, the appearance to the essence for in these days illusion only is sacred, truth profane." --Ludwig Feuerbach, circa 1843
TUESDAY - 7/7/2015 - LINKS
What I find fascinating about this exchange, besides it's funny and doesn't look good for Mr. Trump, is that the rethugs will believe Trump has CLEARLY obliterated Zuker :-(
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In the Trump Dirty Mexicans Department - Of course Immigrants Are Building Trump's Latest in DC
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I have said all along, people should work into their 80's and 90's; work til they drop!
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Sunday, July 05, 2015
Why doesn't Texas just secede? - How is this still a thing?
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In the 'good news dept' - so 'grown-up' and all:
Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran”
(Note: said in the context of 'if Iran bombs Israel', but nonetheless...)
Iran redux: Hillary Tired Old Iran Lies
More War: Clinton, other candidates competing on hard-line stance against China, Russia
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Only $73,000 for a knee replacement! - Lancaster Hospital Prices
And a companion piece: Booman On Healthcare
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Science-y, but interesting: Social Networks
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From the HOAX Dept: Alaskan Heat Wave